1:1 Consulting with your Hype Girl
Do any of these sound like you?
You’ve got big dreams but aren’t sure how to turn them into a reality​
You find yourself constantly working on projects that don’t fill you with joy
You have an idea but don't know where to begin
You don't have anyone to bounce ideas off and give you the truth and direction if they are any good
You have ideas for extra income streams but don’t know how to bring them to life
You know you are the expert in your field and want to be able to portray that with your content
Some of us need accountability and all of us need a business consultant!
It helps to chat with someone who has been there before and to hash things out on an accountability call. That’s ME!
I’ve been an entrepreneur and seriously...I feel like I’ve done it all!
To get clarity, and bounce ideas off somebody else is amazing! You never know if that next idea is the one that will take you to the next level!
So, I'm offering private access to my brain! Are you in?
Channeling my inner fear-less babe

Together we could totally...
Turn your skills and passions into a brilliant new career idea
Identify and narrow your business’ niche and come up with a way to tell your story
Create content for your Instagram
Brainstorm ideas for your brand photoshoot—props, outfits, location, styling, and shot list
Refresh your website to get it looking and working the way you want—change the fonts, create a background, add a styling element, tweak the functionality in WIX or Shopify
Design a free opt-in offer that’ll get more dream clients on your email list
Create dreamy branding that's cohesive across all platforms
Six 1-hour recorded coaching calls to strategies and plan your business
Unlimited support Monday-Friday 9-4 for those off-the-cuff thoughts or blocks that pop into your head
Actionable tasks and goals set after each call to guide you towards your goals
Support and feedback with your processes, projects and content
$900/Month for 3 months

Hi, I'm Kathryn, a biz coach, mentor & connector behind The Loveliest.
I have run 5 successful boutiques and coffee shops over the last 13 years.
I've started each business from scratch, pivoting and scaling and learning new skills along the way. I work with business owners to get out of their heads and find their own version of success.
I know that running your own business is hard and so different from working a 9-5. You are your own boss and wear so many hats. Working with me is a great way to be help hold you accountable , move the needle and step into you magic zone of genius!
It's time to find your business superpower and bring your money, client, life and business dreams to life!

"Maybe it's less about becoming and more about unbecoming everything that doesn't serve you."

